An image came to my mind. Not an
image I constructed on my own, but that which gradually builds after an
expanded moment of silence. It's the image of a path, not really a straight
path, but a set of dots that I'm trying to link, one to another.
was two generations before my father's, that began a series of amnesia, in
which I have inherited and now struggling to remember. Willingly or not, I can
do nothing else. When I dance I get flashes and I remember, but this
remembering escapes me as soon as I stop dancing...
I have to remember, though I don't know why I have to, what will be the object
of this remembering? Perhaps to see if, in answer to the question 'who are you
in the world?' with my great grand father – that
Owu warrior – in mind, I'd say without qualification, ‘I’m a descendant of
warriors'? Or to determine if, to such question I could reply that I was
someone else's property, the matter on which someone else exercised right of
arrogation, the object that in the hands and mind of another once received the
form of a thing.
...Then, what is this thing,
and why must this thing remember?
An anxious flight from boredom? A
desire to be free from oneself and from one's pitiful existence? What is this
theatre other than that of a long finger that stops, looks around, points and
pokes at somebody – anybody blameworthy – pours out its feelings, and returning
to contact, presses, wounds, crouches and chews up, swallows, digests and...
Yes! Excretes, this filthy excrement
is what remains of this long probing finger, loaded with our blood line,
through this excrement we know what have murdered us, it is the compressed sum
of our evidence, the age old seal of that arduous process of digestion, without
which, all would remain hidden forever.
What else might this remembering be,
other than the disguise behind which I maintain an intimate relation with my
excrements, which eventually enters into the sphere of understanding?
is knowing, and we cannot forget what we know.
Not out of
some moral duty or a call for vengeance.
It is simply
not at our discretion to forget, that's how we are created. We live today in
order to remember and to know, and indeed with total certainty. It is our
forgetfulness that makes it impossible to fashion a clear and original self.
It's a crises that has lingered for too long, this God forsaken crises that has
destroyed an entire value system, a system that was once built on our ethos and
myth, on the stories we told ourselves of our origins and destiny.
I muse naturally and shamelessly,
especially now that In my dark nights, in my hunted search amongst alien faces,
I see, rather than hear of their tales, I see their gloomy faces all around me,
but only as so many theatrical masks bearing their various roles, those of the
war lord and the tyrant, the wolf and the lamb, and these whole
constellation murmuring quietly in melancholic nostalgia: departing from
Pa Onikeku, who bore Soyinka, Akintoye, Akinpelu
my grandfather, Okesanjo, Babayemi, Ogunsolu, Adelani, Odusola – Okebambe,
Okedele – Olugbaye, Olugbenro, Oludiji
my father, Gbeniyi, Amoke…
Where have
they been for so long?
What face do
I attach to what name?
To what role
do I attach what mask?
And to my
cohort Kolawole, Foluso, Adebimpe, Olushesi, Olusanjo, Abosede, ... Olalekan,
Omobola, Adebayo, Adeola, Adetola, Abolore, Omobolanle, Olatundun, Adedayo,
Adeola, Adedoja...
work and pray, to live and to dance in no particular order, it doesn't matter
which happened first, my body still remain my spade, and if I look backwards,
it is solely to look ahead, if I stare into my body, I see solely into their
Their names
dropping to my ears with a weary spattering, like rain drops from a passing
cloud, which has long ago exhausted its force: Aderemi, By now I dread it would be your turn, for this is how
everything they did and everything that was done to us will have any meaning.
Here, I am left alone, standing here
now, to finish up from where they left me, and that explains why I have so much
déjà vu, all my flashes of
recognition are merely recognitions leading towards their recognition, and
whatever I do or manage to point out, will only become but a recognition within
me, that will lead me back to my dotted path...
...This is a QADDISH for a destiny that may never be
I can remember what they've forgotten, my body kept telling me that there is
something to remember. That discovery, I've made as a dancer.
I must remember in order to know.
That I can't remember, then someone should feel shame on our account, if they
have gone so far as to create a new man of us, then somebody – anybody shamefaced
– must feel shame for us and not be ashamed of us.
Because as
far as I'm concerned, if I were to set off from my privileged memory,
sanctified and, indeed, consecrated at the black mass of humanity, then gas
would start to leak from putrid asses, and guttural voices would croak,
"One of
them is springing up again"
Perhaps the last survivor from the
lineage of Owu warriors, whimpered.
And the
tumult of a world once collapsed would rise again, and after, a gentle drizzle
of surprise will fill the air, a smell of shame and that of guilt will overtake
somebody – anybody guilt-ridden.
are not all dead after all"
Indeed, there is still life in me, I
am still here, though I no longer know why nor for what purpose, perhaps by
pure chance it is that my body still remembers, that is, I'm the chosen one,
chosen to be an accomplice to our sticking around, as I was an accomplice to my
coming into this world of inherited amnesia in the first place. Then, to again
add to the shame and guilt felt through our sticking around.
But I suppose that's all, nothing
more that I am aware of.
I stick around and therefore I am.
I am. The metaphor through which you
represent the origins of your own norm, that metaphor through which you develop
a self-image, and integrate 'this image' into a set of signifiers, asserting
what you imagine to be your identity, and on which you erect your penis and
simultaneously dominate and defile.
And I.
Since I am the remains, that fissure
between what you are, what you think you represent, and what you signify.
Then I simply
become part of your imaginary significations, that is, 'something invented', it
is one of those significations, that paradoxically becomes necessary, because that
‘invented lie’ plays a key role, both
in the world you constitute for yourself, and your apologetic concerns and
brutal gaze towards me and my progeny. The question now altered – To be or to be nothing?
Well… 'I am' ... just being, without thought, like a tamed warrior, just
hanging on without a need to justify my being here nor there, then it is left
for you to give an account of me, in the same way you give account of the
psychic life of an animal.
have exhausted all you could, through a process of domestication and training,
to bring me to where I can perhaps enjoy a fully human life... an object of
curiosity, where my otherness has been entirely rationalized…
But I cease to take part in your
world, for as long as it remains foggy as to who is a human being and who is
not, so if you are not human, what are you? What human relationship could one
have with the damned one, on which it has not been possible to confer the
attribute of humanity, either in the past or presently?
I surely do know how these matters
relate to the relation between freedom and bondage. The idea that I share a
common humanity with you, long posed and still poses a problem.
…My flesh already has the same
meaning of being a flesh, typical in general for all, therefore 'I am' merely because I am, and this
simple immediacy constitutes my truth, and I attach no purpose to my sticking around either, nor seeking to
turn this pure chance of existence into a song of triumph.
However silent, however discreet and
underground, the only genuine victory one feels after losing so much, and
nothing else left to lose. The only possible triumph one could feel is in the
miracle of one still being alive.
Hence. I stick around, therefore we are.
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