Update from Qudus' blog

Dec 5, 2006


Les combats de l’homme commencent
même avant sa naissance,
venir au monde, sortir des tripes de Maman
n’est que simple jeu
Comparé à mes luttes subséquentes,
je me suis battu pour enfin connaître ma société
et j’ai eu envie de parler.
Je me bats pour fuir,
je me bats pour mourir
et quitter cette terre où l’enfant va naître
est si chanceux non né.
pendant que certains vivent tels des rois,
la majorité a les yeux rivés au ciel
j’ai la conviction que l’opprimé rira le dernier
quand viendra mon tour?

Oh ma terre oh Dieu
comment puis-je être heureux
alors que je suis si malchanceux de faire partie
de ceux qui naissent
à cette époque de terreur sur terre.

…je m’en fou
je m’en fiche de ce que demain peut m’apporter
puisque mon passé et mon présent m’ont tout pris
et n’ont rien apporté d’autre que la tristesse et misère,
comme tout vient et s’en va
il m’est si dur d’effacer mon passé

Lost face.

The struggles of man begins even before birth,
getting out of mother's womb was a mere game
compared to my subsequent struggles.
I try to stand up and be counted,
i exert myself to walk with series of staggers and falls,
Going through the four corners of life,
i still labour to survive,
I was born in a land where sun neither sets nor rises,
i look to the heavens for the April showers
to wash away my pains and tears of sorrow.
i get my fair share of miserable days,
Days of fighting the scourge
Of oppressors and thieves in the land,
Days of laughing scornfully at death.
Days of determination to survive,
I'm so unfortunate to be born
In this age of terror in my land.
Oh my own land so pray,
where can I find this freedom I so crave?
The land has made me whatever I am today,
…i don’t care.
I no longer care about what tomorrow may bring
As my past and present has sapped everything
and brought nothing other than misery,
as everything comes and goes,
It’s so hard to leave my past behind.

Dec 3, 2006


Wretched of the earth
Led by master of monsters
we knew of their wrath
even before the sad news of our birth

The wretched of the earth.
the vultures await the good news of their death
in patience they wait
we know they shall not wait
for the evil eve of Harmattan

before giving up their lives to dust,

they are the wretched of the earth.


Stop this coach I’m leaving
Leaving this isle of winter
Leaving first for the Sex City
Though all I’ve wanted is sex
and love making without condoms

I’m going far away from this land
to get closer to reality,
My endure got me here
My virtue you can’t understand
Tell Yewande I love her still
She’s all remaining
in the wrecked part of my heart

I have chosen my footpath
I shall be on this wrecked ship
To certainly stay for another rain
And surely come back
to give my testimony

Absence of the stars

Once again the moon and sun has planned another reunion,
thinking of how to make today a reality of what they dreamt of yesterday,
and make tomorow just another day
but the stars were absent,
So its weakness became an advantage for them.

They came to tell us about thier great God,
then fell in love with the gods of our fathers.
Maybe this is another evolution...
Yet they complain "You dirty, you never take you bath,
never you elegant? you prefer to be seen
in the compound of pigs, you beggars".
So our weakness has become an advantage for them.

Sounds of lamentation

In my surgeon to the coast of many colours
That brings forth colourful smiles to nature,
Here comes the autumn of November
Their birds immigrating in bunch
The trees giving up their colours to ashes
And our smoking chimney whistles day and night,
The sound of Lamentation
Hopeless animals in the nearby transparent forest
The more strong still eating up the more weak
Before the white bear returns.