Update from Qudus' blog

Nov 23, 2006

When it falls on us

The hands so weak to lift a plume,
Eye lids drops dead and stop working,
Brain slides and fade away all thinkings,
Heads drops side to side and strains the neck,
But breath never stops runing
Even moves stronger than normal,
Whilst the weight looses itself.

Moving into a other world
Which is still ours, but not us,
A world only where humans
could grow wings and compete with the birds,
Only here we walk on water.
all dressed up undresses and back to dress,
hypocrite tiptoes behind clouds,
Witches with crossed legs against the wall
Journeying to baobab tree,
All speaks silently as the wall keeps its ears
to spread rumors.

Fear takes charge every corner,
Lantern takes over household including streets,
The wind ready to take the little noise far away,
Evil reign over the weak and ignores the strong,
Scream is heard only for attention,
As temptation so close to humans,

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